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Share-based programmes

Share-based incentive programmes

Humana has no ongoing long term share-related incentive programmes for senior executives or other employees.

Other share-based incentive programmes

In June 2020, Humana's principal shareholder, Impilo Care AB offered, on its own initiative, all board members, except for Fredrik Strömholm, and senior executives in Humana to acquire synthetic share options in Humana issued by Impilo Care AB. Humana was not involved in the offer and the programme will not incur any costs for Humana. 461,000 synthetic share options were acquired in total, at a price corresponding to the market value of the options. The total market value of the options at the time of the transaction has been calculated to app. SEK 1.4 million. The synthetic share options are related to the Humana share with a maturity of three years and may be exercised during the period 1 April 2023 to 30 June 2023. The exercise price per option is SEK 77.90. When exercising the option, the option holder will receive a cash payment from Impilo Care AB corresponding to the number of underlying shares each option represents multiplied by the market value of the share reduced by the exercise price. The option holder will not receive any cash payment if the market value is less than the exercise price.