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The external audit of the accounts of Humana and all its subsidiaries, including the management of the Board of Directors and Group management, is conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and generally accepted auditing standards in Sweden. The external auditor attends at least one Board meeting a year, at which the auditor reports on their findings from the audit and their assessment of internal controls. For the past seven financial years, in addition to audit work, KPMG AB has provided tax advisory services. The auditor receives a fee for their work in accordance with a decision by the AGM.

Humana’s AGM on 10 May 2022 resolved to appoint the registered audit company KPMG AB as auditor of the company up until the end of the 2023 AGM. Authorised public accountant Helena Nilsson was appointed senior auditor.

Helena Nilsson
Born: 1973
Senior Auditor since 2018