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Two children and one woman playing outside with ball

Goal 3: Good health and well-being

3.4. Promote mental health and well-being

Humana’s overarching goal is to improve people’s lives based on their individual circumstances. As the leading Nordic provider of care for individuals and families, we focus on providing care and treatment in psychosocial change processes and social psychiatry to families and individuals of all ages. Humana’s services, expertise and employees make a difference to people’s mental health and well-being.

Goal 5: Gender equality

5.5. Ensure full participation in leadership and decision-making

We are working towards gender balance in all leadership positions in the company. We work with visible and invisible structures in order to unlock our employees’ full potential and to reflect our customers and clients in the best way possible.

Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

8.2. Increased productivity through diversity, technology and innovation

Humana aims to set a new standard of quality in the care industry. By developing welfare techniques and methods, Humana develops operational efficiency and quality. In Individual & Family, we ensure that the right treatment methods are used and that they are based on science and proven experience.

8.5. Full employment and decent work with equal pay

Humana has long advocated collective bargaining. We do annual salary analyses to uncover any unfair wage differences. Several of Humana’s businesses offer entry-level jobs to those who are furthest from the labour market.

Goal 10: Reduced inequalities

10.2. Promote universal social, economic and political inclusion

Humana’s entire purpose and strategy is to create an inclusive society. Regardless of the individual circumstances of our customers and clients, our employees work for our clients’ right to a better quality of life.

Goal 12: Responsible consuption and production

12.5. Substantially reduce waste generation

Humana sets central policies for its environmental initiatives. The work is performed mainly in our local units and care homes throughout the Nordics. The units are encouraged to reduce waste and take other measures.

12.8. Promote universal understanding of sustainable lifestyles

Humana encourages employees’ knowledge of and commitment to sustainable development through good organisation and communication. Employees, customers and contractors can influence Humana’s direction and tempo when it comes to the company’s sustainability issues.

Goal 13: Climate action

13. Climate action

Humana strives to reduce the operations' climate impact by, among other things, travel climate-smart, facilitating teleworking, installing solar panels and switching to more environmentally friendly heating. With our new carbon dioxide index, we will follow up our initiatives.