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This is achieved by our employees having a good knowledge of their work duties and how they are to be carried out at each work establishment, and having sufficient expertise to fulfil their duties both from a work environment and customer perspective. Employees should feel that their contribution is both meaningful and stimulating.

Work environment measures must be supportive and preventive, based on Humana’s core values and an integral part of day-to-day operations. We endeavour to promote job satisfaction via an efficient decision-making structure, clear duties and allocated responsibility with clear mandates.

In order to achieve a healthy and safe work environment, we will regularly ensure efforts are made to eliminate risks associated with ill health and accidents. We work regularly and systematically to detect work environment risks and based on this, we develop various areas for improvement. In order to do this we must have a clear allocation of work environment tasks, authority, resources and sufficient expertise to manage the tasks that need to be carried out. In collaboration with safety officers and employees, we will continually and consistently examine and risk assess working conditions and take any action needed to ensure a healthy and safe work environment, both physical, psychosocial and organisational.


Humana’s overriding objective is to be the obvious choice for anyone wishing to pursue a career in social care, and to help boost the attractiveness of the social care industry. This involves:

  • Offering a good physical, organisational and social work environment.
  • Working preventively and managing a good work environment.
  • Highlighting and maintaining a positive professional atmosphere.
  • All Humana’s operational areas must have their own work environment objectives based on the focus of the area and Humana’s Work Environment Policy. Employees must be given opportunities to help formulate these work environment objectives.

Performance indicators

1. Offering a good physical, organisational and social work environment

  • The Group will aim to have satisfied employees and achieve an industry-leading Employee Satisfaction Index (ESI). Potentially other metrics varying over time, will be used depending on needs

2. Working preventively and managing a good work environment

  • Attendance rates among Humana’s employees will be at least 95% over time.

3. Highlighting and maintaining a positive professional environment

  • Carrying out positive-oriented safety inspections at all residential and day centres annually to also identify and increase best-practise sharing. Over time we will follow per year the number of these inspections made.


  • Humana managers work to ensure a safe and secure work environment and maintain a continual dialogue with employees to identify risks and prevent ill health. This is done via various channels, including workplace meetings and individual discussions.
  • Employees are obliged to follow the procedures and guidelines that are in place. Employees also have a responsibility as part of their daily work to draw attention to any deficiencies in the work environment.
  • Humana provides a whistleblower function on its website, where employees and managers can anonymously report serious deviations.

Approach for a good work environment

  • Vigilance in daily operations among all employees is at the core of our work environment efforts. Every employee should report risks, deficiencies or other deviations that may arise in the workplace to their line manager.
  • The business area manager has ultimate responsibility and allocates work environment tasks in their organisation. The allocation of tasks must be done in writing. Individuals who are assigned work environment tasks should have sufficient expertise and authority to complete such tasks.
  • All employees form part of one another’s work environment and are therefore responsible for contributing towards a good and safe work environment. This is achieved by following regulations, identifying and reporting risks/incidents and having a positive, committed and responsible attitude.
  • All employees should be aware of the duties they are required to perform, the results that the work should achieve, whether there are particular procedures for carrying out the work and if so, which tasks should be prioritised if there is insufficient time and who they can approach for help and support in completing the work.
  • Our operations should have work environment objectives and planning for systematic work environment efforts. Managers are responsible for working with safety officers to establish annual plans and to explain such plans to employees.
  • We examine, identify and address risks in our operations via safety inspections, performance reviews, employee surveys, workplace meetings, follow-up and investigation of sickness absence and management of incidents and occupational injuries.
  • Work environment issues are handled in a three-way partnership between employers, employees and employee organisations.
  • Safety officers represent their colleagues with regard to work environment matters for a good work environment in collaboration with managers. The employer must inform the safety officer of any changes that may impact on work environment, so that the latter has an opportunity to participate in planning work.