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Quality report, second quarter 2022

Defining quality and quality metrics can be a challenge, not least in the field of health and social care. Since 2019, Humana has reported its own quality index, which in 2022 underwent an update, expanding from 7 to 12 metrics and generating a new quality index, the Humana Quality Index (HQI). 

Read more about the new HQI

Quality measurement is used as a starting point for setting targets, making evaluations and implementing systematic improvement efforts within Humana. The results of the HQI are reviewed by management groups in every level of the company.

As we primarily measure conditions that are indirectly assumed to have an effect on care, Humana's quality index primarily include these indicators. Going forward, we will therefore continue to work to establish social outcome indicators for care, that is, those indicators that measure the actual effect of the efforts made for our customers and clients. Humana’s objective is to be a leader in terms of quality measurement and evaluation. Our intention is to present social outcome indicators during the third quarter which show the direct effect of Humana’s care. The long-term ambition is to present outcome indicators for all business areas.

Results of the Humana Quality Index, second quarter 2022

The results of the HQI in the second quarter of 2022 was to 71 (on a scale of 1–100). The HQI result for the second quarter was marginally lower in all of our business areas, except for Elderly Care. The result was also affected by the fact that several of our business areas have completed acquisitions that are not yet in line with Humana's working practices according to the new HQI. Of the 12 indicators in the new HQI, 7 saw a positive trend.

During the second quarter, efforts has been directed to create time for an increased number of employees to complete training through the Humana Academy’s learning portal. An increased number of employees has completed at least one training during the quarter. This is a positive development in line with the Group’s ambitions to strengthen quality through training. Short-term sick leave improved, falling from 6.7 percent in last quarter to 4.3 percent in the second quarter.

As part of our improvement efforts, we have succeeded in reducing the proportion of deviations being repeated. The proportion of deviations not repeated during the quarter was 61.9 percent, up from 59.5 percent last quarter. The number of serious deviations reported to authorities during the quarter was 7, up from 6 last quarter.

Previous quality reports